Abdul Malek Mohammad
Major Research Projects
Institutional Innovation for sustainable mechanical rental service for resource-poor farmers
As Principal Investigator with Kazushi Takahashi (GRIPS), Yuko Nakano (University of Tsukuba), Yoko Kijima (GRIPS), and Yukichi Mano (Hitotshubashi University). JSPS-Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kiban B No. 22H02443) Amount: JPY 151,40,000 JPY. Duration (2022-04-01 - 2024-03-31).
Technology (ex-ante) assessment and farm household segmentation for inclusive poverty reduction and sustainable growth in agriculture (TIGA)
Project funded by BMGF. Involved in project team at ZEF, Bonn with Joachim von Braun and Franz W. Gatzweiler and PI for Bangladesh study team. (May 2012-Dec 2014) Grant amount: USD 105,500.
Technology adoption and food security in rural Bangladesh
Project funded by IGC worked as co-PI (PI for Bangladesh study team) with Asad Islam, Christopher Barrett, Marcel Fafchamps and Debayan Pakrashi. (Feb 2014-Dec 2015, Grant amount: AUD 102,000).
Why does seemingly promising agricultural technology not spread?
Findings from a large randomized controlled trial. Involved with Kazushi Takahashi, Yuko Nakano, Yoko Kijima, and Yukichi Mano. JSPS-Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kiban A No. 20H00075) Amount: JPY 44,850,000. Duration (2020-04-01 - 2025-03-31)
Impacts of COVID-19 on Rural Households in Bangladesh
Funded by ADBI. Involved in a project team at ADBI, Tokyo with Tetsushi Sonobe and Peter J. Morgan. (April 2021-Ongoing).
Impact evaluation of credit program for tenant farmers
Worked as Lead PI with funding from International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) with Mahabub Hossain and Narayan Das. (August 2011-April-2015). Grant amount: USD 0.75 million.
AG-WATSAN Nexus (RCT) Study
Project funded by BMGF. Involved in a project team at ZEF, Bonn with Joachim von Braun and Nicolas Gerber and PI for Bangladesh study team. (April 2014-Dec 2015). Grant amount: EURO 43,200.
Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia
Improving Data and Analysis for Healthy and Productive Aging (ADB TA-6556 REG). With Aiko Takenaka and Park, Donghyun. From 2021/03~).
Media & Article
Experimental Evidence on Adoption and Impact of the System of Rice Intensification
Christopher B. Barrett. Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi and Ummul Ruthbah. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 104, Issue 1, January 2022, P. 4-32...
Can Referral Improve Targeting?
Evidence from an Agricultural Training Experiment. Fafchamps M, Islam A, Malek MA and Pakrashi D. Journal of Development Economics. Volume 144, May 2020, 102436...
Agricultural Microcredit for Tenant Farmers
Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladesh. Hossain M, Malek MA, Hossain MA, Reza MH and Ahmed MS. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 101, Issue 3, April 2019, Pages 692-709...
Get in touch
Tennodai Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan
+81-029-853-4594 (office)